Rebellious teenager at heart.
Dianne JE., age 80
I’m an artist. I love to create and am quite an experimenter as I work in oil & cold wax, acrylic, encaustic, sculpture, and now slow stitching contemporary pieces. I am so glad I have my art as you never have to retire to be creative. My community of artist friends grows every year of which I am always thankful. My second love is gardening and I have just the right amount of front and back yard to play with and enjoy.
I belong to an art collective in downtown Portland, Gallery 114. As a former graphic designer, I volunteer my services as well as sit the gallery a couple of times a month, attend openings and other events. I also show work at The Perfect Piece in Lake Oswego. I have always been involved in the arts and have volunteered on many art Boards.
I cherish my old friends as I watch some pass on, I lost my husband in 2020, but have never minded living alone, as I did also in my younger years. I live with my dog Buddy and have two grown sons as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren, none of which live close at this point in our lives, but I visit, and they visit me from time to time. Son Greg has a farm in the Sacramento Valley, and the last time I was there I trimmed orchard trees!
Health is great, leaving for Mexico in two days for a week of swimming and eating dinner at wonderful restaurants with my friends with whom I’m traveling.
I take every day as a blessing, knowing that my time is limited. My body changes more each day but I’m still the rebellious teenager at heart. I’m at peace with whatever comes next, as I have had a full, exciting, and interesting life.