Seeks a spiritual dimension to life.
Donna P., age 69
I am often surprised when I happen to see my reflection in a window or a random mirror and find myself wondering “Who is that old woman?” Like many of my contemporaries, my mind and my attitude have been left about 20 years behind my body. These candid shots of reality put my doctor’s annoying comment “at your age” into some perspective, at least.
I retired at the age of 67 after 38 years in active ministry. Seven months later I returned to full-time, very active ministry in a new state. My colleague pastor and several in the congregation were at first skeptical and even downright ageist, assuming I would not have the energy to do the work because of my age.
In the past nine months, it has become evident to most that while my body may be slow to transition from sit to stand to walk, my mind is still running at full speed, and that 38 years of experience has translated into some valuable wisdom for our common work.
My joy continues to flourish at the intersection of the sacred and the profane, as I journey with others seeking the spiritual dimension of life. Being a pastor fills my heart and art-making frees my soul to revel in beauty and grace.