The world should get ready because here we come.
Kathleen C., age 71
I am almost two years older than when I started this project of painting 60 ladies and listening to what they had to say about growing older. I listened to what they are doing with their time and how they feel about themselves at their age. I am different now than I was two years ago. I was angry then.
What I learned was so obvious, but it took getting to know these 60 ladies to understand it. I finally realized I always linked growing old with dying. When I saw people who looked old they reminded me of my mortality. By talking and meeting all these women I now know older people are just like everyone else, they come in all shapes and sizes, active, vital, and exuberant. It is another stage to be celebrated and enjoyed. In fact, if you play your cards right, you may have a little more freedom to do what you want and go where you want to go.
This whole thing where people make you feel invisible, stupid, or not important just because you are old, that’s real and we need to change it. First, quit buying into it yourself. No more “I can’t do that at my age." No more over-the-hill birthday cards, no more letting the doctor tell you you can’t have that treatment because it hasn’t been tested on people over 70, or they won’t hire baristas over 65. We are going to live longer than any generation before us and the world needs to get ready because here we come. Now I am happy.