It is your mind, not your age, that limits you.
Mary G., age 63
I recently retired as a Nurse administrator from a hospital in Maua, Kenya. I embraced retirement with enthusiasm as I was looking forward to having time to self-direct and relax. I told myself now is the time to do what I want.
I have the energy to make my community and village a better place. I believe experience and age should not be wasted because of retirement. It is your mind, not your age that limits you. I have always had interest in working with women. Women are the backbone of the family. They wake up early and go to sleep late, they need a boost. They are seldom appreciated and the work in the home does not bring in any income, yet it must be done.
I decided to start a daycare center aimed at family empowerment—a place for group meetings and seminars. Mothers now have a place to leave their children when they need to go to work, shop, or have time for themselves. I have initiated different groups with the intention to raise the standard of living in the community, for fellowship, socialization, and togetherness as well as unity. I do seminars for women and girls because it is important to know our rights and how to avoid unnecessary family and community conflicts.
I offer an Alternative Rites of Passage training every December as an alternative to female circumcision, which is still practiced in our area. Our training includes information on the female body and sex education. Girls and mothers of tomorrow must be empowered with this knowledge. The girls' training has awakened the men to request a seminar for the boys. I hope this is an indication of how much even one senior can impact the community.