Plant the seeds of your wisdom in the next generation.
Ruby HP., age 67
Through faith, wisdom, and sage advice, I am learning to be an elder.
My mother once said, “When you turn 40, you’ll actually know something." What she failed to tell me was that I’d be more comfortable saying, “I don’t know." It’s amazing how little I thought about mortality when I was a younger woman. Perhaps it was the business of life, marriage, childrearing, working, and participating in the community with family and friends. My mother always offered good advice that I have tucked in my heart for use, “as needed."
Here's a short list from my treasure trove of useful counsel that has held me up when the world tried its best to drag me down.
Always trust God.
Get counsel from trusted elders.
Believe in your worth to self and others.
True love must have friendship to endure.
Give generously.
Help is not always financial.
Friends are not always your friends.
You will have heartbreak, but you will heal.
Care for yourself so that you can care for others.
The children are all grown up, I am semi-retired, many friends and family members have passed away, and after decades of leading in family, community, and work; today I’m learning to be an elder by moving to the rear in formation like traveling geese, encouraging the next generation to lead us forward. Cheering them on is both difficult and immensely rewarding.
Time and the opportunity to share with the younger generation passes by so quickly. My parents and many other elders planted in my heart the seeds of faith and wisdom wrapped in love and sage advice. I am fortunate to have had and to still have elders that light my path and I choose to pay it forward.