Dream and follow through.
Sherrie P., age 69
Perhaps it’s because so many people tell me that I look younger than my age (69) that I haven’t really experienced age discrimination. I’ve always been self-employed, so there’s been no potential discriminatory reactions from would-be employers. I have, however, experienced gender discrimination. I’ll never forget the time when working in my crafts gallery/shop around 1985 an older gentleman representing the Chamber of Commerce (which I found out later is an organization deferring to employers, not employees), walked in. He asked for the owner or manager. I said I was the owner and manager. He replied “No, but where is your husband?” He could not believe that a woman could be a business owner and decision-maker. He wanted my membership to help me keep benefits away from my employees. Thank you and goodbye.
I feel my mind continues to be sharp, maybe because I am always learning, exercising, creating artwork, teaching, interacting with friends, and perfecting my Spanish skills (I live in Guanajuato, GTO, Mexico).
It’s only my body that tells me my age in years.
My other passions are traveling, photography, music, and taking time to relax and be in nature (our new house has extensive gardens). My boyfriend and I don’t own a car, so we walk everywhere in this walking town of Guanajuato. For the uphills, we sometimes take a taxi or an Uber! My plans for the coming years are to travel a lot—starting with exploring more of Mexico; attending lots of cultural events; continuing to make my art (encaustic and encaustic mixed media); teaching classes in my large home studio; and integrating more fully into the ex-pat and local community.