Think big picture: It’s all about the body, mind, and spirit connection.
Whole-person wellness is about so much more than just your physical and mental health. Our 360-degree view of wellness empowers you to lead a balanced, fulfilling, and joyful life. At Watermark Laguna Niguel, discover innovative and inspiring wellness offerings to help you feel your best. You’ll find our integrative approach to wellness helps you prioritize and enhance your well-being every step of the way.
Maybe it’s centering yourself in Chair Yoga or strengthening your body with Chair Aerobics. Perhaps it’s unleashing your artistic talents in Whimsical Watercolors, or learning a new language in Conversational Spanish. Explore your adventurous side during an outing to the art galleries in nearby Laguna Beach. Maybe you’re in the mood to treat yourself to a manicure or a new hairdo at the salon before joining new friends and neighbors for a celebratory, gourmet dining experience. Whatever you desire, a world of well-being surrounds you here in sunny Southern California. Live life with purpose, and let us know how we can support you along your lifelong journey to a happier, healthier you.

Connect and engage with programs designed to stimulate your mind.
With Watermark University, enjoy unlimited access to a wide variety of enriching classes, programs, and workshops. Fill your calendar with social events, Extraordinary Outings, and whatever else sparks your interests.
Build your strength through powerful and purposeful movement.
We have group fitness classes for everyone, regardless of your current fitness level. Whether you’re looking to increase mobility or gain strength, our wellness experts are here to guide you and help you be as active as you desire.
Devour dishes dedicated to great taste and good health.
Embrace a world of bold flavors and foods high in antioxidants, along with superfoods like berries and good fat sources such as avocados. Taste the difference fresh California cuisine can make.
Take time for some well-deserved self-care.
Self-care is more than just a buzzword phrase around here. Treat yourself to a new hairstyle or color at our full-service salon. Sit back and relax with a manicure or pedicure. A day spent at our salon will leave you feeling beautiful inside and out.