Opening soon at Sonrisa Senior Living, Feeling Our Age highlights 60 brave women who shared their personal stories and challenges about what it is like to be their age, and what they are looking forward to in the future.
According to the World Health Organization, one in six people will be over 60 by 2030. Ageism, or age discrimination, affects three out of five workers according to AARP. All discrimination must be eliminated before we achieve a just and equitable society.
We are all aware of the critical need to address racism, gender biases, and discrimination against LGBQT+ and others. However, what is not recognized is that since we all grow older, ageism compounds all other forms of discrimination and yet is seldom recognized. This is particularly true for older women who live longer and typically receive less Social Security benefits.
Watermark Retirement Communities® and artist Kathleen Curtis Cosgrove, sharing the same vision of inclusivity and respect for all people, have come together to showcase Feeling Our Age — Sixty over Sixty, a traveling exhibit and tabletop art book. The premier exhibition was held in summer 2024 in conjunction with the grand opening of The Watermark at the Pearl in the heart of Portland's exciting Pearl District. As of March, 2025, the celebrated exhibition continues its journey in Greater Sacramento at Sonrisa at Sonrisa Senior Living in Roseville, California. To learn more about Kathleen and the exhibition, visit the website. Listen to our interview with Kathleen in Inspire magazine.
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Bellevue Downtown Association
New Art Exhibit at The Watermark Bellevue: “Feeling Our Age”