Call Us 845-677-8550

Assisted Living

Customized care on your terms

Get busy living. We’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

We do Assisted Living different. Here, customized care and choice are the order of the day. Our top-notch care is tailored to your needs, on your schedule — not ours. 

Wake up in your bright residence overlooking the Hudson Valley countryside and enjoy that first cup of joe while reading the paper, or spend breakfast with friends and plan your day. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never be at a loss for things to do.

Choose from a selection of luxury one-bedroom and two-bedroom Assisted Living floor plans to fit your lifestyle. Each one features a designer kitchenette and state-of-the-art appliances, gorgeous views, and a variety of safety and security features to enhance your life. 

You’ll make new friends and enjoy life in a peaceful, secure setting dedicated to helping you feel comfortable, content, and excited to try new things.

Amenities & Services

24/7 Associate Support
24/7 Associate Support
Art & Creative Studio
Art & Creative Studio
Bistro & Café
Bistro & Café
Catering & Room Service
Catering & Room Service
Community Gardens
Community Gardens
Complete Building, Residence, and Grounds Maintenance
Complete Building, Residence, and Grounds Maintenance
Delicious, Healthy Meals
Delicious, Healthy Meals
Elegant Dining Room
Elegant Dining Room
Housekeeping Services
Housekeeping Services
Move-In Coordination Service
Move-In Coordination Service
Private Dining Room
Private Dining Room
Resident Call Response System
Resident Call Response System
Salon & Barber Services
Salon & Barber Services
Serene Landscaping
Serene Landscaping
Transportation Services
Transportation Services
Wellness Center
Wellness Center


Get a personalized quote

Assisted Living

starting from

per month

Standard pricing includes a set daily amount of personalized care, with further care available at extra cost as needed.

Where Expert Care Meets Inspired Living

Enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle with independence and customized care, 24/7 associate support, award-winning Watermark University classes, Extraordinary Outings, exceptional dining experiences, vibrant social events, curated wellness offerings, salon and barber services, housekeeping, move-in coordination, scheduled transportation, and maintenance-free living in a safe and welcoming setting.

Two people walking.

Live life at your own pace.

The Fountains at Millbrook is only 90 minutes from New York City, but its heart beats to a different drum. Nestled right in the middle of 200 acres of rolling hills, we have the perfect balance of stimulation and relaxation. Farms and vineyards surround us, from fresh produce to creameries to wine. Exhilarating lifestyle and natural living. It’s time to feel good.

Download Community Brochure

Floor Plans

A resident is smiling and sitting at a table at an art class holding up a tool for painting.

Assisted Living Resources

Today’s assisted living communities are centers for socialization, learning, and fun where residents benefit from a helping hand day to day. Explore resources to learn what assisted living is really about.

Learn More

We’re happy you’re here.

Questions? Interested in a tour? Want to attend one of our events? 

We’re excited to meet you. 

Fill in the form, or call us at 845-677-8550 to learn more.

Looking to join our team? Explore all career opportunities.

Questions? Interested in a tour? Want to attend one of our events? 

Fill in the form, or call us at 845-677-8550 to learn more.