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Residents Marvin and Lois Jacob are Enjoying a Spacious Villa and Friendly Neighbors at Clover Blossom

February 13 2019
Our Stories Planning Resources Residents Making the Decision
villa exterior at Legacy at Clover Clover in the sun with trees and a car
LIFE YOUR WAY When you’re ready to leave worries behind and live to the fullest, the right retirement community lets you do it your way. “I think the biggest thing is you can live the style you want. You can participate or not participate, you can be cheerful and outgoing or just stay in your room.” – Marvin Jacob, resident of Legacy at Clover Blossom.

MEET MARVIN AND LOIS JACOB, COLLECTORS OF STAMPS, CARDS, THIMBLES AND FRIENDS. You can learn a lot from someone who has been in your shoes. Their honest insight can help you navigate your way to the place that’s right for you, regardless of which community you choose. (All quotes contained in this post are excerpts from an interview conducted with Sabra and John Clapp on Marvin and Lois Jacob on Tuesday, February 12, 2019. To read the full, unedited transcript, please click here.)

Marvin is a mechanical engineer from Minnesota who loves stamps. Lois is a farm girl from New York who loves flowers. They met in Connecticut, where he attended the Coast Guard Academy before embarking on a career with Xerox. They married and raised two children. Both love collecting. In addition to stamps, Marvin collects playing cards – 2,000 decks and counting. Lois collects thimbles. Their retirement life took on new meaning three years ago when they decided to sell their home and move to Legacy at Clover Blossom. Now, instead of cleaning, fixing things and raking snow off the roof, they spend their days making new friends, walking, swimming, playing euchre and singing in the choir.

IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS When is the right time to move to the right retirement community? For Marvin and Lois Jacob, the time came when they realized all the little things they’d taken care of for so long had become much bigger things, bigger than they could handle. Fortunately, they knew there were plenty of nearby options to explore and they did. Three years ago, after 59 years in their family home, Marvin and Lois started an exciting new chapter at Legacy at Clover Blossom, replacing homeowner hassles with worry-free living among friends. "Maintaining the yard and such was just becoming almost impossible. I was doing inside and outside. And raking the roof is something I could not do. So, we decided the time had come." – Lois Jacob, resident of Legacy at Clover Blossom.

CLOSE TO HOME AND NATURE When Marvin and Lois started exploring their retirement living options, they didn’t have to look far. They’d watched Legacy at Clover Blossom going up on their walks, and its convenient, nature-filled setting appealed to them. With a little help from friends, they successfully cleared out their house of 59 years. "Our biggest problem in moving was what do we save and what do we throw away or give to charity? There’s always a few things you wish you hadn’t gotten rid of but that is part of the move." – Marvin Jacob.

HALF THE WORK, DOUBLE THE FUN For their next chapter, Marvin and Lois chose a 1,200-square-foot villa that is every bit as private as their former home. It feels spacious and well appointed with its vaulted ceiling, fireplace and garage. They love having options like cooking their own meals or dining next door, driving themselves around town or hopping on the chauffeured van. "We are busier than we were before. We had all the former activities that we did and now we added all the different things that Legacy provides so we have a double busy schedule … Yesterday I made four trips over here and my wife, Lois, made five just to come over and do things." – Marvin Jacob  

Meet Marvin and Lois in person over a cup of gourmet coffee or a drink in our dining room. Just call 1-585-441-6197 to set up a time. Bring your questions and get honest answers straight from the source.

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