The Neighborhood
Modern-day living steeped in Colonial elegance.
The town of Blue Bell reflects the history of the United States, from the town's beginnings in the 1700s to its economic success and exceptional quality of life for its residents today. It is also known for its elegant Colonial architecture, large executive-style mansions, major business parks, community shopping facilities, and local businesses, and it hosts several major corporations' global headquarters.
In addition, here you are just a short drive from downtown Philadelphia, which offers an incredible selection of shops, restaurants, museums, theaters, sports arenas, and other attractions to satisfy almost anyone's tastes.
Blue Bell is one of the most affluent areas in the outskirts of Philadelphia. We think you'll love it here. In fact, Blue Bell was ranked number 14 on Money magazine's list of the “100 Best Places to Live in the United States.” That kind of says it all, doesn’t it?
So Much To Do and See

Historical Sites
Since the city of Philadelphia played such a pivotal role in the Revolutionary War, towns like Blue Bell often had a significant part to play, too. After the Americans’ defeat by the British at the Battle of Germantown, the Revolutionary troops and future US president George Washington retreated to the Blue Bell area to regroup and strategize in safety. It’s estimated that, including civilians, Washington’s camp likely consisted of more than 15,000 personnel.

Blue Bell at a Glance
Blue Bell is a suburb of Philadelphia in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, with a population of approximately 6,250 and has been named one of the best places to live in the United States. Its unique ambience is defined by its stately mansions, Colonial architecture, and historic sites intermingling with today's styles and conveniences.

The Blue Bell Inn
The Blue Bell Inn is Montgomery County’s top dining venue and was the source of the town's name in 1840. The Blue Bell Inn blends American Colonial heritage with a vibrant atmosphere and contemporary menu to please almost anyone's palate.

In the 1700s, the town of Blue Bell was originally known as "Pigeontown" because of the large flocks of now-extinct passenger pigeons, similar to mourning doves, that were once hunted here. In 1743, The White House opened as a local lodge for hunters and even served as a safe haven for rest and recuperation for General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.
At the end of that century, a tower was built over the inn to hold an unusual blue bell, and The White House was renamed the Blue Bell Inn. In 1840, the townspeople decided to change the name of the town to Blue Bell after the unique blue bell above the inn.
Today, Blue Bell is an affluent suburb of Philadelphia, thereby offering its residents all the pleasures of small-town living combined with access to the conveniences and services of a major metropolitan area.