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Art Show - Paintings from The Louvre's Collection

April 12 2023
Our Stories Just for fun
gallery showing with artwork hanging on the wall
Today, Pat Richardson brought Rose Tree Place prints from The Louvre's collection. Some of the prints date back to the reign of Francis I of France. Francis I sought to create a gallery of art in his château at Fontainebleau rivaling those of the great Italian palaces.

He acquired masterpieces by leading Italian masters (Michelangelo, Raphael) and invited Italian artists to his court (Leonardo da Vinci, Rosso, and Primaticcio). The French royal collections grew steadily as successive sovereigns made acquisitions reflecting the tastes and fashions of their time—Louis XIV's purchase of the collections of the banker Jabach is a prime example. We learned some many interesting facts on each of the paintings and the artists behind the works of art. Her next show will be in May!

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