Discover all that senior living has to offer.
Pull up your sleeves and get ready to dive in to a life full of laughter, friends, and discoveries to keep you engaged and fulfilled. Who knows, you might just find your next great passion.
Our incredible curriculum is driven by proven strategies that help promote interaction and optimize community engagement with caring associates that help foster feelings of comfort and connectivity. From creative arts to Extraordinary Outings to social gatherings on-site, every effort we make helps drive our goal of keeping your mind and body engaged. We ensure there’s something for everyone.
Signature Programs

Something for everyone.
Residents, associates, and local experts share their interests and create new opportunities to connect, grow, and learn as a community. We feature dozens of classes, programs, and workshops, and you’re sure to find something that piques your interest.
The perfect fusion of wellness and care.
Through our partnership with the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners, we train our Naya caregivers to incorporate our residents into the rhythms of daily living. With empathy and understanding, Nayas communicate through validation rather than correction – helping to instill a sense of joy and purpose.
Dine with dignity.
Rediscover the joys of dining with accessibility and independence at the table. Devour protein-packed, nutritionally balanced meals served as bite-sized hors d’oeuvres. No assistance, no distractions, no utensils – no problem.
Experience a whole new reality.
Our EngageVR virtual reality program creates transformative and immersive digital experiences that delight the senses. Visit places you’ve never been to for a world of new experiences – all at a time of your choosing, and from the safety and comfort of home.
Hone your mind.
Science-based memory training, delivered in collaboration with the UCLA Longevity Center, helps sharpen your cognitive abilities, enhance your memory habits, and resolve common memory complaints.
Welcome made warmer with new friends.
Gain insider knowledge from your personal ambassador – a fellow resident and new friend to help you get settled, make introductions, and share their tips and tricks for easing into community life, getting involved, and thriving in your new home.
Go where the wind takes you.
Thrilling adventures await with safe, adapted group outings that defy expectations. From overnight camping trips to hot air balloon rides and everything in between, the possibilities are endless.
Amenities & Services

Look your best and feel refreshed. The salon services at Parkview in Frisco are designed to refresh your appearance and elevate your confidence, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and radiant.

Come get your sweat on with state-of-the-art equipment, personal trainers, and a space expertly designed to help you reach your goals. So let’s get you moving – on your own terms, of course.

Plan to take Frisco and the DFW region by storm. A full social calendar is a roadmap to a rich, full life. Check in often on the schedule from Watermark University, there’s so much to do and see with new experiences to be had every day.

Rich in sights, sounds, and entertainment.
When you live in Frisco, Texas, you live in the beating heart of the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Plano metroplex, with all the area has to offer. From world-class cuisine and sports venues, to small shops and galleries, life at Parkview in Frisco is a treasure trove of new discoveries.

Our partnerships keep us at the cutting edge of educational enlightenment, so we keep bringing you a diverse array of new experiences, classes, and ways to enrich your life.

Program & Activity Calendar
Keep your mind sharp and your body moving. There’s a robust life full of possibilities waiting for you at Parkview in Frisco.