The epicenter of our health — our brain — is essential to our entire well-being.
Our brain allows us to think, feel, and have memories — everything that makes us human. Did you know your brain has the ability to learn and grow at any age? As part of our commitment to helping you keep your mind active and engaged, we’re collaborating with the UCLA Longevity Center to deliver a comprehensive memory training series, BrainCafé.
Led by a certified Watermark trainer, we’ll explore the science behind memory building and engage in interactive learning during eight one-hour sessions. You’ll practice research-based techniques to improve memory habits, reduce memory burden, and address common memory concerns. BrainCafé is designed to help you train your brain to remember life’s most important details.
The lasting takeaway for you? It’s the renewed confidence and powerful tools you’ll have at your disposal for enhancing your cognitive health and overall well-being.