About Us
Creating young leaders and empowering them to thrive.
Founded by David Barnes, President of Watermark Retirement Communities, Watermark for Kids is a non-profit organization dedicated to unlocking the potential of our future leaders. Our goal? To empower, inspire, and uplift young minds to reach for the stars and achieve greatness.
At Watermark for Kids, we're passionate about nurturing the growth of character, leadership, creativity, compassion, and spirit in every child. Through our unique platform, kids can submit their bold visions and dreams, and we provide the financial support necessary to turn as many of these visions into reality as possible. Together, we empower children to pursue a brighter future and support them as they soar to new heights.
Recognized by the State of Arizona and the Internal Revenue Service, Watermark for Kids is described in 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that your generous gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by the law.
Do you have questions or want to learn more about our life-changing mission? Feel free to reach out to Rachel at Rachel@watermarkforkids.org or give us a call at 520-392-7722.
Simple yet life-changing.
We strive to reduce barriers so that all kids can thrive.
"Learn their story and figure out how we can help them thrive."
At Watermark for Kids, we have a fundamental belief that all children have an innate greatness and deserve equitable opportunities regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation or religious affiliations. We help kids access life-changing opportunities to be their true selves.
Watermark Communities
Frequently Asked Questions
Reach out to your local Watermark community, and ask to speak to the Watermark for Kids Champion. Add Can’t find a Watermark Community near you, complete an application and email it to infor@watermarkforkids.org. Applications are reviewed periodically, and you’ll be notified as quickly as possible.
Since 2007, Watermark for Kids has awarded more than $1.2 million. We’ve helped more than 3,300 kids ages 6–22, in communities across the country by providing financial assistance with the following:
- Education and Exploration: Books, supplies, laptops, academic clubs, travel and trip expenses, tuition assistance, scholarships, room and board expenses, after-school activities, and summer camps.
- Sports and Fine Arts: Sports registration fees and equipment, clubs, musical instruments and lessons, theater and dance classes, camps, and travel and trip expenses.
- Health and Well-Being: Counseling, dental care, adaptive wheelchairs, medical equipment, and therapeutic treatments not covered by medical insurance.
Step 1: Complete and submit application to info@watermarkforkids.org:
Step 2: Watermark for Kids Executive Director and Board reviews application.
Step 3: Kid, parent/guardian, and nonprofit are notified with next steps.
Step 4: Vendor provides W-9 and itemized invoice for goods or services; vendor and invoice are processed.
Step 5: Check is mailed to vendor or community for presentation. Process takes two to three weeks.
Step 6: We encourage recipients to stay in touch, and visit a Watermark community near you to share your success story with residents and associates or email a gratitude video or letter to info@watermarkforkids.org.
We welcome applications from young individuals aged 6 to 22 who come from financially under-resourced families. Our aim is to help these amazing kids pursue their passions, enhance their independence, and create a positive impact on their lives so they can truly thrive. It’s important to note that kids under the age of 18 must have approval from a parent or guardian to apply.
Watermark for Kids partners with selective nonprofit organizations that serve the needs of local underserved children in our community.
Grant Eligibility Guidelines:
Watermark for Kids awards grants exclusively to not-for-profit organizations serving under-resourced children in our community.
Ineligible Organizations:
- • Those serving adults (over 22 years old)
- • For-profit entities
- • Religious organizations that proselytize
- • Agencies requesting funds for salaries or operational expenses
Eligibility Requirements:
To receive a grant, an organization:
- • Must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
- • Must use grant funds for charitable or educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3)
- • Must be an equal opportunity employer, without discrimination based on race, religion, marital status,
- color, national origin, sex, age, or disability
Watermark for Kids will NOT grant awards to:
- Agencies that serve adults, defined as individuals over 22 years of age.
- Agencies that are for profit.
- Religious agencies where proselytizing is a part of the service provided.
- Agencies requesting funds for salaries or operational expenses.
In order to be eligible for a WFK grant an organization must be:
- Exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code
- Must agree to use the WFK grant only for purposes that are charitable or educational within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code
- An equal employment opportunity employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, marital status, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Watermark for Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible, and administrative costs are underwritten by generous donations from Watermark Retirement Communities. Funds are raised by Watermark’s generous associates like you through payroll deductions, and through community fundraising events with residents and their families, as well as our wonderful sponsors and donors. Watermark for Kids’ two largest fundraisers are the annual Thrive! Classic Golf Tournament and Silent Auction.
We Operate With Integrity
At Watermark for Kids, when we make a promise to our donors and applicants, we keep our word. We don’t deviate from our mission, and while we'd like to grow to the point that we can reach more of the people who need our help, we’d rather be small and efficient than large and wasteful.